Monday, August 15, 2011

and so it begins

I should really be sleeping or doing other things that i am putting off, like...sleeping. I have to get up earlier than usual and was not anticipating going to bed later than usual; combinations such as these have proven to be some what of a bother and a detriment to my productivity the day following.

And to make things better...
I'm probably not even composing sentences in such a way that my readers can understand; all zero of you, that is.

So this is a practice post. Our little secret, okay?

Well, upon reading this through once again, perhaps it all makes more sense than it did in the midst of my thoughts.

Much like life. Much like a big blue whale in an overwhelming ocean.
This is beginning to sound much like a girl who is feeling philosophical far past her bed time.

Goodnight world; good morning the other side of it.

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